Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Posted on January 9, 2021 by admin
A very Happy New Year to all our members and I hope you are looking forward to a new gardening season. With the Covid difficulties of the last several months, none of us know what this new year will bring. However, the Committee is determined that as soon as we are allowed, normal service will be resumed and we have pencilled in dates for talks, trips and the annual show throughout 2021 in the hope that they will be able to go ahead. Clearly as the situation progresses, we will have to keep these under review.
The Hut reopens in January but with only the very limited number of helpers and customers allowed in at any one time. Fingers crossed that we will soon be able to welcome back all our volunteers and be able to socialise in and around the Hut as normal.
This coming year a number of our committee members will be standing down, some after many years of dedicated service to the Gardeners’ Association. I would like to thank Jean Darbyshire, Lynn Sumner, Graham Yorke and John Taylor for their commitment and significant contribution to the organisation in all its aspects over the time they have been with us. I know in each case they will continue to help wherever possible.
Hope you have a safe and prosperous year.
Dave Hemingway
Despite all the restrictions on our lives the seasons continue with comforting regularity. Time in our gardens, particularly in the wonderful spring, was well spent nurturing our plants and the weeds didn’t stand a chance. How lucky we are to have a hobby close to home that absorbs our time and gives us pleasure – and produce! I am sure, with time for reflection, that many of us have managed to complete those long dreamt of projects, experimented with new ideas and plants and had the time to enjoy the outcomes.
You do not have to travel far by coach or train You do not have to take a trip and board a ship or plane To get away on holiday, so long as you’ve got the will To meditate and cultivate the art of being still Still in mind and body for a minute here and there Whenever you can spare the time sit quietly in a chair And take a brief vacation from the worry and the stress Make yourself a little secret world of happiness
Thanks to Jean Darbyshire
The Committee has made the decision to plan these activities for 2021 and to go ahead with booking of people for the talks, venues etc. These may all be subject to change as the year unfolds. We will keep you informed of the detail through the bulletins.
Thursday January 21st – this will be done online with information available to the membership at the Hut or by email request.
Saturdays 9th January – 30th October 10.30-12.00 noon
Sundays 10th January – 31st October 10.30-12.00 noon
Wednesdays 7th April – 23rd June 7.00- 8.00pm
Good Friday 2nd April 10.30-12.00 – Coffee Morning
Seeds will be in the Hut for all pre-orders from the 9th January 2021 – please make sure you collect your orders promptly. Potatoes, onions and shallots will be for sale from the weekend of the 23rd January 2021.
These, with the exception of Good Friday, will be held on Thursdays at the Newton-le-Willows Cricket Club.
February 25th Marcus Chiltern-Jones The Making of RHS Bridgewater Garden
March 25th Marguerite Hughes & Sue Gillon Herbs and Companion Planting
April 29th Jane Allison of Mayfield Plants It’s a Family Affair
May 27th Gardeners Question Time
October 28th Sue Jeffries Happy Houseplants
May 31st (Bank Holiday Monday) Willow Park Rural Craft Fair (tbc)
We have had a stand at this show in recent years and always welcome members who could ‘give a hand’ or just come to say ‘Hello’.
September 11th Saturday NLWGA Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show at Penkford School, Wharf Road (venue tbc)
This is OUR show and we look forward to as many members as possible putting in exhibits, volunteering help, or simply just coming in the afternoon to admire the judged exhibits and having a cup of tea and a piece of cake.
The 2021 show categories for all fruit, vegetable and flower classes are as in the Show Schedule which will be available from the beginning of June.
For Photography
For Art
For Cookery (recipes given, see schedule) –
For Children’ Categories
Bookings can be made at the Hut. Tickets need to be paid for when booking and please keep your receipt.
Wednesday 16th June Trentham Gardens (tbc)
Saturday 18th September Harrogate Autumn Show
As we finish off the winter it is a busy time preparing for the new season. It is the last chance to prune the fruit trees and bushes – remember not to touch your plum, cherry or peach trees until the summer to avoid silver leaf infection. Don’t forget Malcolm’s advice – ‘the answer lies in the soil’ – dig in lots of organic matter into the vegetable plot to keep it healthy and fertile. You can use garden compost, well-rotted manure, mushroom compost, leaf mould or bagged soil conditioner. Make sure your greenhouse and propagators are cleaned. Good hygiene will reduce problems latter in the season. It will soon be time to set off the seeds for the spring and to look forward to another growing season.
Remember to look out for the opening of the RHS Bridgewater Garden in Worsley on 11th May 2021. We should hear lots from Marcus-Chiltern Jones at the talk in February.
Happy New Year and we hope to see you at the Hut very soon.
Kathryn Green
Category: Newsletter, Publications Tags: Annual Show, events, Flowers, Gardeners Association, Vegetables
Please note while we do our best to keep this list up to date sometimes we do have to make minor changes to one or two items. The price in The Hut is always correct.
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