Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Posted on August 4, 2023 by admin
First of all let’s talk about OUR biggest event of the year – The Annual Flower & Vegetable Show. Have a look at the schedule if you haven’t already done so, there’s sure to be a category you can enter, you just may not have thought about it. The schedule can be downloaded HERE or there are hard copies at The Hut that you can collect. If you have any queries about the Show, see someone at the Hut or contact me and we can point you in the right direction – how to present onions, display your cakes, arrange your dahlias etc (we provide all the vases so you don’t have to bring your own like you do in some other shows.) I’m sure we can sort out any problems.
If exhibiting is not for you, why not sponsor a class or two? Perhaps in memory of someone? It only costs a few pounds. Call into the Hut and see the full list, there are still classes in need of sponsorship. Another way you can get involved is to volunteer an hour or two to help us set up on the Friday evening, or dismantle after The Show on the Saturday. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Please do come and support the Show in whatever way you can. We look forward to seeing you at The Crownway Community Centre, Crown Street, Earlestown, WA12 9DA on Saturday 9th September. Don’t forget, the Hut WON’T be open on that day.
There are some other local gardening events taking place this month.
General Secretary
Newton Le Willows Gardeners’ Association
Category: Events, Newsletter, Publications Tags: Annual Show, Gardeners Association, newsletter
Please note while we do our best to keep this list up to date sometimes we do have to make minor changes to one or two items. The price in The Hut is always correct.
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