Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Posted on March 2, 2025 by admin
A few bits of news and reminders for this Bulletin.
We’d like to thank Graham Yorke for all his contributions to the Association as Chairman for the last few years. He has now stepped down from the position and we welcome Ray Newby as the new Chairman. We also have two more members who have joined our committee – and there is always room for more!
We are especially looking for volunteers to help in the Hut once a month, or occasionally when volunteers aren’t able to attend. Being a volunteer is great, it’s very sociable, everyone is so friendly, and you will learn even more about gardening and our products! If we aren’t too busy (just remembering potato weekend!!!) you will even get a brew. We are particularly keen to hear from anyone able to help move compost and other large items into members’ cars. For an informal chat fill in the contact form below including details of when it will be best for Chantelle to call you.
If you’d like to support our Show in September, the sponsorship list is available at the Hut on the counter.
There are still a few potato orders that need to be collected. If you haven’t bought your potatoes yet, there are still plenty left so do come and have a look.
The bedding plants will be collected and potted on during March and left to grow on in the warmth of the new greenhouse for a few weeks. The selection for this year is below. We haven’t got them yet and they’ll still need potting on when we get them but some will be ready by early April. You’ll need a frost protected place to keep them before planting out a few weeks later if you buy them then.
A few weeks after the first collection, we will be collecting some more bedding plants to top-up the gaps – I will give a list of these in the April bulletin.
If you do want any of the bedding plants, or veg plants (no list as such, they will be brought in as and when they arrive), then please bring your own container to take them away, it will help a lot.
These all have one, two, three or four varieties of each,
BEGONIAS (Tuberous) (2) salmon pink and scarlet trailing varieties
CALIBRACHOA (3) – shades of rose, orange and pale blue trailing varieties
CENTRADENIA (1) – magenta pink trailing
DAHLIETTAS (3) – white, shades of pink, & orangey-red upright varieties
FUCHSIA (2) – white& violet upright variety & two shades of pink trailing variety
HELICHRYSUM – trailing silver foliage only
IMPATIENS (2) – orange and white
OSTEOSPERMUM (2) – purple & sunset shades upright varieties
PELARGONIUM (4) –red variegated & orange upright varieties and white & pink bicolour trailing varieties.
There will also be trays of 6 – BACOPAS (3) – white, pink and blue as well as the similar MECARDONIA (1) in yellow. All trailing.
And finally, not sure how long the roadworks will be affecting Rob Lane but you can’t get to the Hut from the High Street at the moment. Access is via the East Lancs Road (A580).
That’s it for now,
General Secretary
Newton Le Willows Gardeners’ Association
Category: Newsletter, Publications Tags: Bulletin, newsletter
Please note while we do our best to keep this list up to date sometimes we do have to make minor changes to one or two items. The price in The Hut is always correct.
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