Summer 2021 Newsletter

Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association

Chairman’s Report

This will be my last report as Chairman of the Association as Gill, who many of you know from helping on the till at the hut, and I have now moved to North Wales. It has been a real privilege to be part of the Gardeners; Association for so many years where we have made many friends. We will miss is greatly but will continue to keep a keen interest in its’ development.

Covid restrictions so far this year have had a major effect on the activities we have been able to arrange. We have really been limited to keeping the Rob Lane Hut open, either through click and collect early in the year to the limited opening we have at the moment. We are immensely grateful to everyone on the committee and helpers who have been able to assist us in doing this. I know the members who have been able to come along have been very appreciative of their efforts. We all still miss the social side of the Association which is so important to us and our members.

At the start of the year we had been hopeful that it may have been possible to go ahead with some planned activities like the show, trips and talks later in the year and we have reviewed these regularly. However, some talks and trips have already been cancelled. Regarding the show, there is considerable expense in putting this on and planning for September has to start early in the year. Regrettably we have had to take the decision not to go ahead with the show this year even if it was allowed within the covid restrictions. We have major concerns that there would still be restrictions and we wouldn’t attract sufficient exhibiters, helpers and visitors on the day to justify the cost involved.  The decision is for this year only and we want to return to holding the show in 2022.

Fingers crossed that throughout the rest of 2021 things will continue to improve and we are able to welcome more of you back in to the hut and to the other activities.

Dave Hemingway


Help Needed – to join the committee

The Association functions entirely with volunteers – the committee, the hut, the activities and the show. Are you someone with something to offer? We need new members of the committee and a new chairperson. You may feel you have the skills in organising, finance or IT to bring to the committee – you don’t have to be an expert gardener! The commitment would be to attend a meeting once a month, contribute to the running of the Association and its’ activities – and meet new people! We are in a time when there is increased interest in gardening and allotments. The committee makes the decisions about the running of the Association and its future direction. If you are interested in joining the committee please have a chat with any of the committee members.

Help Needed – volunteers in the Hut

The hut continues to be open, within the current guidelines, and we urgently need new helpers. If you have a couple of hours to spare one Saturday or Sunday each month and you enjoy meeting people with a passion for gardening then this is for you.

You will need to be comfortable helping to move compost bags and other items into the hut and then into member’s cars. In return you will join an enthusiastic (and friendly) team of volunteers, be able to help our members and enjoy the talk about all things horticulture.

If you want to discuss this, give me a call on 07464 956148 – I’ve volunteered for years and can tell you how great it is.


Hut Volunteer Coordinator

News from the Hut

The hut will continue to open as we are at present, keeping within government guidelines.

Due to problems with supply of potatoes our suppliers are asking for potato orders to be in earlier this year. This means I will be sending out details of varieties at the beginning of August and will want orders to be in for 20th September.

Seed catalogues will be available again for orders of seed, especially flower seed. The catalogues should be out from about the 10th August. Winter onions will be in from the beginning of September – watch out for email alerts. Garlic has doubled in price from our usual suppliers so I am trying a different source. We will not have as much but it will be in around the usual time. Ordering is not necessary for garlic.

If you wish to contact me – Sheila Yorke tel 07931270056 or 01942 716925


Trip to Harrogate Autumn Show 18th September 2021

We have reluctantly decided to cancel the trip to the Harrogate Show this year. We will book again for the show in September 2022.

NLWGA Show September 2021

We have decided to cancel the show for 2021 and re-schedule for 2022. There are too many uncertainties just now about the restrictions we may face in September and the financial outlay for the show makes it too risky.

Happy Gardening!

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