Summer 2022 Newsletter

Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association

Chairman’s Report

I would like to welcome everyone and thank you for your continuing support at the hut. A special thank you to all the hut helpers and till operators – we couldn’t manage without you.

I have taken on the job of Chairman of the committee. Many of you will already know me from my time helping in the hut and you will certainly know my wife, Sheila, who sorts out the stocking of the hut among numerous other jobs.

Hopefully we are learning to live with Covid, I can only hope that you haven’t been badly affected.

I hope you all have a successful growing season. Remember we are here for any advice you might need, including printouts on various vegetable growing and use of fertilisers.

Westland have reduced their peat content in the Jack’s Magic compost and you may have noticed a change in the texture. Clover haven’t changed theirs yet. We have been warned about the reduction in peat for a while now and this is something we will have to get used to as soon peat will not be available at all.

Although membership is increasing it is still not up to the level we had in 2019. We are hopeful that we will get there eventually. Our talks and trips have not been well supported. I thank those who have attended but the talks cost money and we need support to run them. One trip has already been cancelled and the other might have to be.

We haven’t been able to open on a Wednesday evening this year, this was mainly due to the lack of helpers. We also struggle to have enough able-bodied helpers for Saturday and Sunday so if you are able to help on a weekend please leave your details at the till – the commitment is only once a month.

Happy growing, don’t let the weeds beat you!

Graham Yorke


NLWGA SHOW Saturday 10th September 2022

We have not been able to hold our Flower and Vegetable show for the last two years due to the pandemic, so, this year is a big year for us and we look forward to making it a success again. However, due to the closure of Penkford School we have had to look for a new venue and this year it is to be held at –

Crownway Community Centre, Crown Street, Earlestown, WA12 9DA.

Preparations for the Show are well underway. Please find enclosed this year’s schedule. It is also available at the Sales Hut or can be downloaded from our website:

We are pleased to announce our regular sponsors are again helping fund the Show: Loach’s, Kings Seeds, Think Ahead Community Stroke Group, Jewellery by Silvana, Bents Garden Centre and new sponsors in 2022, MJM, Haydock Park Golf Club and Karen’s Cakes.

We would like to invite Association members to sponsor one or more classes in the Show (e.g., a vegetable or flower class that is a particular favourite in memory of a loved one who has passed away). A list of the classes and sponsors is in the Sales Hut. To sponsor one class costs £6.

Thank you to all our sponsors whose generosity helps make the Show the success it is today.

Our Show is for YOU, the people of Newton-le-Willows and surrounding communities who make the Show come alive with your beautiful exhibits.

Members: please spread the word to other growers, allotment holders and novices in all things horticultural to have a go at exhibiting and it’s not just for the green fingered amongst us…..we have photography and cookery classes. This year’s Show includes baking classes (Bran Fruit Loaf and Carrot Muffins with Orange Icing) and three photography classes (Flight, Umbrellas, Concrete and/or Clay). All details are in the schedule.

Due to the new venue being smaller some of the classes have been reduced or cancelled. Please check the schedule for details.

However, this year we have added an award for most points gained in the Fruit class and includes ‘The Malcolm Greenhalgh Shield’ in memory of our chairman who sadly passed away in October 2019.

The ‘Bert Jackson Memorial Cup’ remembers a great character from the Rob Lane allotments and member of our association. All new members will be sent a copy of our schedule together with a letter explaining how they could win the cup (or come second or third and still win a prize!)

Raffle tickets will be on sale at the show on the day for all members, exhibitors and visitors. There are some amazing prizes from local businesses. Thank you for your generosity as all proceeds will go to help fund the show.

If you need further information regarding any details of the show, please do not hesitate to contact me on the telephone number or email address below.

Mrs Marjorie McMahon     

Show Secretary Tel: 07805407475  Email:

News from The Sales Hut

Another year gone by, so a few dates to remember for later this year.

August – from the middle of the month the potato list will be out and you can submit your orders. This worked out very well last year but I need them in for the end of September or you might be disappointed.

September – the same garlic as last year will be for sale as will winter onions. You don’t have to order these – just come in to the hut as soon as you get the email that they are in.

September – Kings seed catalogues will be available for you to look at and pre-order your seed requirements. Please, if you want a specific variety of seeds order them as I can’t get every variety to display on the shelf. Remember the price in the catalogue is not what you end up paying as we get a discount which we pass on. I need these orders in for the end of October please.

Just to let you know that our trial of taking payments by card in the hut has been successful and will continue.

Any queries about ordering please contact me:

Sheila Yorke

Tel: 01942 716925

Mobile: 07931270056


We had a successful trip to RHS Bridgewater in May. Members commented that they hadn’t realised how big the site was and that they could appreciate it still had a lot of development to come. It will be a place to re-visit to see the gardens change over the seasons and to see new areas develop.

Harrogate Show Trip in September – we still don’t have enough bookings to run this trip and cover the cost of the coach. The deadline set by the coach company is now 26th June. If you would like to go on this trip, please book your place in the hut as soon as possible.

We had to cancel the trip to Trentham Gardens as we didn’t have enough bookings.


As you realise, we are struggling with the number of people attending the talks and the trips. We know that the pandemic has hit us but are there other reasons that we are low on numbers? Are we offering you the right things? Please let us know your thoughts. Speak to anyone in the hut with your thoughts and suggestions or jot a few things down on the slip below and hand it in at the hut. Thank you

Talks and Trips Feedback – Your thoughts and ideas



As gardeners I am sure we are used to recycling and reusing our pots, making our own compost from waste and keeping our crops healthy in ways that we don’t do damage. Our Association is affiliated to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and they have extensive plans to make their organisation more sustainable in the future. We are currently discussing how our Association can respond to this challenge. Some changes are already decided. By 2024 all peat will be banned from compost products and we are already seeing the reductions in peat content in the hut composts. One idea we have discussed is the recycling of plastic plant pots. So, if you have bought plants from the polytunnel recently, please wash them and bring them back to the hut so that we can reuse them. Please don’t bring other pots as we don’t have the capacity to reuse them.

NLWGA Website

The website has been updated and has lots of interesting information and advice.  Have a look!!

Going Forward

We all hope that you have a good growing season and that the weather is kind to us. We would be delighted to see more of you on the trips and at the talks. We won’t be able to continue with these if the numbers don’t increase.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Show on September 10th – it is your show so come and enter your produce!

Don’t forget – if you are interested in helping with the running of the Association – as a committee member, as a hut helper or a till operator just get in touch.

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