Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Although the sun didn’t shine on us for the opening of our 2010 flower and vegetable show we still had overwhelming support from both exhibitors and visitors throughout the day. This will be our last year at St Aelreds’ College which next year will combine with Selwyn Jones and become the new Hope Academy.
Prize | Name |
The highest total number of points gained in the show & Gordon Brooks Trophy | Stuart Clensy |
For the most points gained in the flower section & the Newton le Willows Rotary Club Trophy | Stuart Clensy |
For the most points gained in the Vegetable section | Jim Broderick |
Garden News Top Tray 1st | James Weedall |
Garden News Top Tray 2nd | Pascal Doyle |
Garden News Top Tray 3rd | Albert Lyon |
Garden News Top Vase 1st | Alan Jones |
Garden News Top Vase 2nd | Stuart Clensy |
Garden News Top Vase 3rd | Don Sutcliffe |
Royal Horticultural Society Banksian medal | Stuart Clensy |
The National Chrysanthemum Society Silver Medal | Colin Taylor |
HK Jeacock Trophy | Colin Taylor |
The National Dahlia Society Silver Bronze medal | Stuart Clensy |
The National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal | Stuart Clensy |
The British Fuchsia Society Blue Rosette | J Ashcroft |
The British Gladiolus Society Bronze Medal | Chris Nightingale Bernie Woods |
Sue Lever Trophy | Don Farrell |
The National Rose Society Bronze Medal | Bernie Woods Silvana Briers |
The National Vegetable Society Silver Medal | James Weedall |
This year we ran for the first time a special Dahlia class for the novice grower with an new variety of Dahlia called
‘Badgers Twinkle’ donated by Stewart Clensy. The first prize of a stainless steel fork and spade was won by Mike Briers
To see last years show post click HERE.
The Hut is now closed. It will reopen on the 4th January 2025.
Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you in the new year.
May we take this opportunity to wish you a pleasant Christmas, however you celebrate it, and a safe and happy new year.
From everyone at the Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association.
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