Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Welcome to 2023, hope you are all looking forward to a new growing season with all the challenges that it may bring. It is always uplifting to see new growth coming through the ground and on the trees.
I thank all our members for their continued support and also all our loyal helpers and committee members.
Our website has been updated and is full of information and items of interest. We also have a Facebook page which you can check out for current information and comments.
This last year we have struggled to get people to attend the evening talks which we have held at Newton Cricket Club. Unfortunately, the talks are not sustainable and will have to be discontinued. The trips were also not well supported. The trip to Trentham Gardens was cancelled and the one to the Harrogate Show only just got sufficient to run. This year we are organising a trip to the Shrewsbury Show which is really good and I hope as many as possible will join us. Booking starts in January 2023 and the cost is £40 per person.
I look forward to seeing you all back at the hut. We are there to help and advise you with any questions you may have.
Remember when planting out – brown side down – green side up! Happy Gardening.
Graham Yorke
We have not been able to hold our Flower and Vegetable show for the last two years due to the covid pandemic, so this year was a big year for us to make it a successful show again. We had to look for a new venue and this year it was held at Crownway, Community Centre, Crown Street, Earlestown WA12 9DA. Feedback from visitors and members said the venue, even though smaller than Penkford School, was a great choice and we will be holding it there again next year. Thanks to all the staff at the centre who made us very welcome. Also, a big thank you to all who helped to make the show a great success. The hard work from all our members and volunteers culminated in a fantastic display of flowers and produce. There were 460 exhibits and 40 exhibitors, down from our last show in 2019 but it was an increase in exhibits per person. The flowers and vegetables were plentiful. There were a good number of visitors, all interested to see the exhibits, play tombola and purchase raffle tickets. All the judges did a sterling job and it was a frenzy of activity in the backroom when the results came in and we got busy writing and displaying the certificates and witnessing sheer delight on faces of the exhibitors, when awarded a certificate for their prize apples, potatoes, or gladioli. We may not be the Chelsea Flower Show but the sheer joy of people winning a certificate make all the effort worthwhile. They will have lasting memories of a great experience at our show…long may it continue.
The major prize winners were:
Trophy | Winner |
The Royal Horticultural Society Banksian Medal | Richard Burniston |
Gordon Brooks Trophy | Ian Fairclough |
Dahlias Most Points (H K Jeacock Trophy) | Richard Burniston |
Chrysanthemums Most Points | Helen Dolan |
Roses Most Points (Rose Shield) | Graham Yorke |
Pot Plants Most Points (Sue Lever Trophy) | Ian Fairclough |
Flowers Most Points (NLW Rotary Club Salver) | Richard Burniston |
Fruit Most Points (Malcolm Greenhalgh Shield) | Alan Holman |
National Vegetable Society Silver Medal | Richard Burniston |
NLWGA Shield | Richard Burniston |
Photographic Challenge Cup | Alan Holman |
National Dahlia Society Silver Medal | Richard Burniston |
National Dahlia Society Bronze Medal | Richard Burniston |
Top Vase | Chris Nightingale |
Top Tray | Richard Burniston |
British Gladiolus Society Bronze Medal | Jean Darbyshire |
Bert Jackson Memorial Cup | Sarah Garner |
Arthur Green Perpetual Trophy | Graham Yorke |
We could not put on the show without sponsorship and donations. However, they were down this year so therefore we hope next year we can find more sponsors. If anyone knows of any organisation who is willing to sponsor our show, please let us know. All donations are gratefully received and we would invite Association members to sponsor one or more classes in the show e.g., a vegetable or flower class that is a particular favourite in memory of a loved one who has passed away. If you would like to sponsor one or more fruit, vegetable or flower classes in the 2023 show the list will be at the hut when we open in January.
A massive thank you to you all. We would not have a show without the members, their families and friends in the community who exhibit items they have grown, baked or photographed, so please keep up the good work and encourage others to exhibit and support our show for generations to come. We have a few new classes added to this year’s show particularly the children’s photography class. I would encourage everyone to take part, roll on the next show so get planning now………
The Photography categories for 2023 are 1. Welcoming Garden Wildlife 2. Coast & 3. Royal Memories.
Marj McMahon
Show Secretary
In May 2022 our Association went to the RHS Bridgewater garden in Worsley. As we are affiliated to the RHS the entrance was free. Bridgewater is still very much in transition and the extensive grounds show so much promise.
In September we went to the Harrogate Autumn Show at Newby Hall near Ripon. The weather was beautiful and the show entries were inspiring. The stands and demonstrations were very interesting. In 2023 we plan to visit the Shrewsbury Flower Show in August and to return to Bridgewater in the Autumn.
Thursday 19th January 2023 at 7.30pm at Crownway Community Centre, Crown Street, Earlestown WA12 9DA in the large meeting room
As Graham has pointed out the evening talks at the Cricket Club have not been well attended and are running at a financial loss. We have decided these talks cannot continue.
Saturday 9th September 2023
NLWGA Annual Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Show
Crownway Community Centre, Crown Street, Earlestown WA12 9DA
Date | Details | £ |
Saturday 12th August 2023 | Shrewsbury Flower Show – Book from January | £40 |
October 2023 TBC | RHS Bridgewater Garden, Worsley | TBC |
Have a look at our lovely new website – We now have a Facebook page – – do come over and follow us. There will still be the monthly e-bulletin via email and the newsletter posted out twice yearly.
Click Here to download the Membership Form
To download a PDF version of this newsletter click HERE.
Category: Newsletter, Publications Tags: Annual Show, newsletter, trips
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