Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Posted on April 13, 2023 by admin
Firstly, a reminder that we are no longer opening on a Wednesday evening, but we WILL be open for our usual Good Friday (10.30 – 12) special coffee (and cake) morning, with demonstration. This year, Kathryn will be talking about soft fruit, bringing some more unusual varieties too and showing lots of ideas about how to grow them. We will be open Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday as always, 10.30 – 12.
The BEDDING PLANT SELECTION for this year is below. They’re not ready just yet – unless you have a frost protected place to keep them before planting out in a few weeks time. If you do want any of the bedding, or veg plants (no list as such, they will be brought in as and when they arrive), then please bring your own container to take them away, it will help a lot.
These all have one, two, three or four varieties of each, 90p per pot –
BEGONIAS (Tuberous) (2) – gold with orange edge & lemon trailing varieties
CALIBRACHOA (3) – shades of orange, rose & purple trailing varieties
CENTRADENIA (1) – magenta pink trailing
DAHLIETTAS (3) – white, red, shades of pink, upright varieties
FUCHSIA (2) – Pink, rose with white vein upright variety & white top magenta bottom trailing variety
HELICHRYSUM (1) –Variegated foliage only, trailing variety
IMPATIENS (2) – red and apple blossom
OSTEOSPERMUM (3) – yellow with pink, coral, berries & cream mix
PELARGONIUM (4) –salmon & red with variegated leaf upright varieties and white & pink bicolour trailing varieties
Also, for £3.25 a tray of 6 – BACOPAS (3) – white, pink and blue as well as the similar MECARDONIA (1) in yellow. All trailing. And, LOBELIAS – 70p a strip or 5 strips for £3.
There are some perennials out at the back, £1.50 a pot. If any of you have any splits to donate, instead of dumping them, just pot them on, label them and bring them in.
There are a few sweet peas, onions and potatoes left, please come if you’re still wanting any as it’s getting late for us to be storing them in the Hut – Easter weekend will be the last available time to get them.
TRIPS. Bookings for the 2 trips are being taken now. if you are considering going to the Shrewsbury Show trip on in August, please come in to book as soon as possible. We also have the free-to-members entry to the Bridgewater Gardens which is also filling up.
THE SHOW SCHEDULE. The advert call-out for businesses and organisations is now closed but the list will remain open for individuals who can pick a category (or several) that are numbered in the schedule. The list is in the Hut now. This can be as little as £6 and if you want, you can make it in memory of someone. This will continue to be available until much nearer the Show weekend.
Happy Easter everyone
General Secretary
Newton Le Willows Gardeners’ Association
Category: Newsletter, Publications Tags: newsletter, trips
Please note while we do our best to keep this list up to date sometimes we do have to make minor changes to one or two items. The price in The Hut is always correct.
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