Newton Le Willows Gardeners Association
@ The Hut
Posted on June 9, 2024 by admin
Your membership is always due at the beginning of the year but some people do leave it later as that’s what they did the previous year. If you have renewed this year, your membership card is yellow. If you have a green card, I will still send the bulletin for the rest of the year but you cannot buy anything from the Hut, you would need to renew your membership. If you have any other colour of card,you need to renew. If you don’t, then this will be the last time you receive a bulletin from us. Please do come to the Hut very soon and join up again, or you really will miss out. There is always some new stock or plants you might not have seen before, friendly advice or just a good natter – we’re here for all your gardening needs at a great price!
There are a few flower and veg plants left in the greenhouse, but if you need any, do come along soon.
We have enough people to run the trip to Bodnant on June 25th but there are still spaces on the coach if you‘d still like to book. The list for Harlow Carr for August 7th is still open too, so please have a think about them both.
Just looking in advance now and a reminder that we are holding the Show at the Crownway Community Centre, Crown Street, WA12 9DA, on Saturday 14th September. The schedules will be available at the Hut from this weekend or you can view and download on our website Those who exhibited last year will receive a copy in the post. You can exhibit, sponsor, volunteer or all three. The Show sponsorship list is at in the Hut. If you would like to sponsor any classes we would really appreciate your support. If you want to choose specific class(es) to sponsor, go to the Hut and check the list, just ask at the counter.
If you need any information about the exhibiting, contact Show Secretary Marj at or 01925 816416 / 07805407475.
It’s me you should contact for volunteering to help – for setting up on the Friday afternoon, on the day and/or clearing away after the event – I will be contacting all previous Show volunteers soon, to see if you are still willing and able for this year.
Still with the Show, the Bert Jackson Memorial Cup is open to any novice grower (that means a real beginner to vegetable growing) who have joined our Association for the first time in 2024. If you’d like to enter and don’t receive your specific invite with your schedule in the post, then do come to the Hut and collect one.
That’s all for now,
General Secretary
Newton Le Willows Gardeners’ Association
Category: General News, Newsletter, Publications Tags: Annual Show, Gardeners Association, newsletter, trips
Please note while we do our best to keep this list up to date sometimes we do have to make minor changes to one or two items. The price in The Hut is always correct.
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